Susanne Luurs (1994) (NL)
Works and lives in Groningen 

E d u c a t i o n:
havo | Kamerlingh Onnes, Groningen  |2007-2013
hbo | Docent Beeldende Kunst en Vormgeving 
Minerva, Groningen  |2017-2021

 P r i z e: 
Nominated and Winner | Kunsteducatie prijs Minerva | 2021 

R e s i d e n c y : 
Residentie | Sense of Place, Damsterdiep | apr 2024 - apr 2025
Residentie | Paviljoen aan het water, Rotterdam | may 2024
Residentie| Verwonderruimte - Pro Found Play, Grand Theater | nov 2023 - apr 2024
Residentie | Into Nature | oct 2023
Residentie| Eissingeheem | sept 2022 

E x h i b i t i o n s:
Performance | Play Café | Noorderzon | aug 2024 
Installation | Kinderweide Noorderzon | aug 2024 
Exhibition | Galerie Noord | jul 2024 
Presentation | Verwonderruimte - Pro found play, Grand Theater | nov 2023 - apr 2024
Exhibition | Futuristic Nomad, WEP Groningen | may 2024
Performance | Wad op je bord, Hornhuizen | oct 2023 
Exhibition | Into Nature | oct 2023 
Performance | Paradigm Festival | aug 2023 
Installation | Hongerige Wolf | jul 2023 
Performance | DIHAN A Gesture You Can’t Help But Make | jun 2023 
Installation | Kinderweide, Noorderzon | aug 2023 
Exhibition | Salon WEP | apr 2023  
Installation | Kinderweide, Noorderzon | aug 2022 
Exhibition | Bodily LandscapeGalerie Noord | aug 2022
Performance | Festival der Aa | jul 2022 
Exhibition | Het is grijs en valt uit de hemel, Galarie Noord | feb 2022
Walking Performance | Kunstpunt. Groningen | sept 2021
Performance | Noorderzon, Groningen | aug 2021
Performance | DETOUR graduation show Minerva, Groningen | jun 2021 
Painting | | jun 2021 
Collaboration  | Filter Groningen, Groningen  | mar 2021
Exhibition | werk Barra050, Groningen  |  okt 2020
Exhibition | slootwaterproject Barra050, Groningen  |   aug 2020
Performance | Safe Spaces music and art EXPO em2, Groningen  |   sep 2020
Documentary | Minerva BBKV jaar 3, Online  |     jul 2020
Performance | Ienke Kastelein Sensorial Space Sessions, Online  |    jun 2020
Exhibition| Accreditatie DBKV Minerva Groningen  |   nov 2019    
 Exhibition | Building Action Group Shane Waltener AIR-Project Minerva, Groningen  |   nov 2019
Performance | de nacht van kunst en wetenschap, Groningen  |    jun 2019
Performance | expositie kapot goed Minerva, Groningen  |   mei 2019
Performance | Does it have a name: INCLUSIVE in de Artistbookshop, Groningen |   mei 2019
Exhibition | Painting Minerva, Groningen  |    feb 2019  
Exhibition | Antonio Guzman Artist in Residence AIR-project Minerva, Groningen  |   nov 2018
Exhibition | Fine diner and arts in het pakhuis, Groningen  |    jun 2018

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